About the College of Business
A Message from the Dean
Welcome to the UCCS College of Business! As part of our mission to deliver future-oriented business education, we offer AACSB-accredited graduate and undergraduate programs that are relevant to current industry practices.
Our curriculum leverages innovative technologies to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing business environment. As we prioritize lifelong learning, we also offer credentialing and badging opportunities to further showcase your professional achievements no matter what career stage you’re in. We are in the business of building successful futures. We provide our students with the skills, confidence, and experience needed to make a positive impact in the business world.
Our faculty have a vibrant mix of expertise and passion. They are truly committed to quality teaching as well as producing cutting edge research. Their real-world experience and intellectual contributions are shaping the future of business and emphasize principle-based ethical decision making.
Through our ROAR program, students participate in meaningful career opportunities outside of the classroom such as networking events, student business clubs and organizations, and of course…internships! We’ve partnered with a variety of businesses to engage our students in professional development experiences that are designed to set the student up for success.
We’re excited to welcome you to our College and campus. We support learners at every stage of their educational journey and serve as a community for productive discourse, practical learning, and social responsibility. Welcome future business leaders, we’re thrilled to partner with you!
Warmest regards,
Thomas Aicher, Ph.D.
Dean, UCCS College of Business
Mission Statement

The UCCS College of Business delivers a future-oriented business education to support workforce and economic development for southern Colorado, the state, the nation, and the world. We prioritize and empower learners at every stage of their educational journey, develop innovative research that contributes to scientific discovery and effective business practice, and serve as a hub for our community in productive discourse, practical learning, and social responsibility.
Core Values
Learners First
- Deliver a curriculum for lifelong learning to meet the challenges of a changing business environment.
- Leverage technology to deliver innovative and adaptable educational programs.
- Provide a supportive, challenging, collaborative, and experiential learning environment.
Build Community
- Serve as a hub connecting students, alumni, local businesses and organizations, and the broader community.
- Cultivate a brand and culture that supports the success of all stakeholders.
Make a Difference
- Produce high-quality, impactful research.
- Pursue competitive and collaborative opportunities that further our mission.
- Emphasize principle-based, ethical decision-making and societal impact in our programs.
Awards & Rankings