Management Emphasis

Business, BS
Program Delivery
On Campus, Online, Hybrid
Total Credits
120 Credits

About the Program

Management Emphasis

Organizations of all sizes and types need skilled managers. The UCCS Management program provides a foundation for careers in management, human resource management, small business management and entrepreneurship, and public agency management. 

Management Model Degree Plan
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Focus of Study

The Management emphasis trains students to become skilled managers who know how to lead and motivate people, build high-performance teams, and develop world-class organizations. Additionally, the program addresses contemporary issues in management and the changing roles of managers and leaders at all levels of the organization.

Program Requirements

Each candidate for the Bachelor of Science-Business degree in the Professional Program must complete the prescribed courses in an area of emphasis comprising a minimum of 18 - 24 semester hours taken at UCCS in addition to the required courses in the Business degree.

To earn a professional area of emphasis, a grade point average of 2.5 is required for the area of emphasis courses, with no grade below a C-; a 2.5 cumulative GPA is required for all business courses; and a 2.0 GPA is required overall. Students who graduate with an area of emphasis and/or business grade point averages from 2.0 to 2.49 will not earn an area of emphasis. All attempts of emphasis courses will be calculated into a student's GPA.

By completing extra courses, a student can earn a second area of emphasis. To earn a double area of emphasis, a student must fulfill all the requirements for both areas. If there are not at least 15 hours of unique courses in the areas, then the student cannot earn a double area of emphasis.

For details on degree requirements, please visit the Academic Catalog.

Program Coursework


Complete all of the following courses:

  • HRMG 4380 - Human Resource Management for Managers
  • MGMT 4110 - Experiences in Leadership
  • MGMT 4370 - Organizational Development and Change
  • MGMT 4500 - Principles of Negotiation and Conflict Management

Complete one of the following courses:

  • MGMT 4220 - Advanced Topics in Business Communication
  • MGMT 4240 - The Future of Work

Complete one of the following courses:

  • ENTP 3000 - Principles of Entrepreneurship
  • HRMG 4400 - Labor/Employee Relations and Engagement
  • HRMG 4410 - Total Rewards for Motivating and Retaining Employees
  • HRMG 4430 - Talent Acquisition: Recruiting, Interviewing, and Selecting Employees
  • INTB 4800 - International Management
  • MGMT 4220 - Advanced Topics in Business Communication (if unused above)
  • MGMT 4240 - The Future of Work (if unused above)
  • MKTG 4400 - Service Management and Marketing
  • OPTM 3390 - Managing Projects for Competitive Advantage
  • OPTM 4100 - Managing Service Operations
  • OSIM 3501 - Introduction to Nonprofit Management
  • OSIM 3533 - Social Entrepreneurship
  • An Approved Management Internship


For details on program coursework, please visit the Academic Catalog.

Admission Details

To learn more about admission requirements and the UCCS undergraduate application process, please visit the UCCS Admissions page.

Additional resources for Admissions:

Start Your Application