Social Impact

Undergraduate Minor
Program Delivery
On Campus
Total Credits
9 - 21 Credits

About the Program


Social Impact Minor

Undergraduate students can now pursue a Minor in Social Impact in the College of Business. The Social Impact minor is designed for both those learning how to effectively run a non-profit organization and those looking to create environmental or social value through for-profit organizations.


Focus of Study

The Social Impact Minor in the College of Business addresses the need in the marketplace and in the community, equipping students with the skills necessary to work in social enterprises, for-profit organizations with a social mission, or non-profit organizations. Within Colorado Springs alone there are about 4,000 non-profit organizations providing around 45,000 non-profit jobs and over 1,000 social enterprise jobs.

Additionally, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) experts are being heavily recruited nationally to help organizations improve their social impact efforts. Although these classes are “on campus”, students should expect to travel to various organizations to gain first-hand insights about the social impact efforts of organizations and their effects on the Colorado Springs community.


Group of students standing together

Program Requirements

Business student candidates for a Business minor must complete the minor's prescribed courses in addition to the required courses in the Bachelor of Science-Business degree.

  • Business Students: 9 credit hours
  • Non-Business Students: 21 credit hours

For details on degree requirements, please visit the Academic Catalog:

Program Coursework

Student CategoryCourses
Business Students

Complete all of the following courses:

  • OSIM 3501- Introduction to Nonprofit Management (or BUAD 3950 Special Topic - Introduction to Nonprofit Organizations)
  • OSIM 3533- Social Entrepreneurship (or BUAD 3950 Special Topic - Social Entrepreneurship)
  • OSIM 4333- Practical Applications in Social Impact
Non-Business Students

Complete all of the following courses:

  • ACCT 2010 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
  • BUAD 1000 - Introduction to Business and/or with ENTP 1000 or ENTP 1001 
  • ECON 1010 - Introduction to Microeconomics
  • MGMT 3300 - Introduction to Management and Organization
  • OSIM 3501 or BUAD 3950 Topic: Introduction to Nonprofit Organizations  
  • OSIM 3533 or BUAD 3950 Topic: Social Entrepreneurship 
  • OSIM 4333 - Practical Applications in Social Impact


For details on program coursework, please visit the Academic Catalog:


Admission Details

To learn more about general admission requirements and the UCCS application process, please visit the UCCS Admissions page.

Additional resources for Admissions:

Start Your Application