National Cybersecurity Management Case Competition

The University of Colorado Colorado Springs is hosting a virtual National Cybersecurity Management (NCM) Case Competition. This competition will provide an avenue for students pursuing Cybersecurity Management education to showcase their talent. The NCM case competition is a unique competition focusing on a business case involving cybersecurity issues. The participants will assess the complexities of the case and provide an effective solution to the problem.

Participants have the opportunity to win a $5,000 first-place prize! Second place will be awarded $3,000 and third place will be awarded $2,000.

Registration for the 2022 Case Competition has closed.

Test your skills in Cybersecurity Management!
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Qualifying Round

Teams complete the task listed below by the deadline:

Complete Registration. 

Develop and submit an infographic that explains the concept of insider threat as it applies to cybersecurity. (Resources regarding infographics can be found below).

Upon registering, team Coach/Mentor will receive an email with instructions on how to submit their Qualifying Round Infographic response to the prompt above. 

Submission deadline: March 17th. The Selection Committee will then select 10 teams for the Final Round.

Final Round

Best 10 teams compete in virtual case competition:

Competition Day: Thursday, April 7th starting 12 noon PST/ 3pm EST

The case will be distributed to the finalist teams on April 1st. Participants will be assigned 15 minutes to present their case findings on April 7th.

Team presentations will be evaluated by a panel of judges from the industry. Judging criteria and additional information on the case will be provided closer to the Final Round.


The NCM case competition is open to all schools offering cybersecurity programs. Multiple teams from an institution can compete.

Each team should be comprised of one to a maximum of three students (undergraduate or graduate) and one faculty serving as a coach.

At least one member of the team should be enrolled in a cybersecurity program/course as a part of a post-secondary degree (community college, undergraduate, or graduate degree program).

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Important Dates

March 10: Team registration by 5 pm MST

March 17: Submission Deadline for Qualifying Round (5 pm MST)

March 29: Teams announced for Final Round

April 1: Case distributed for Final Round

April 7: Cybersecurity Management Case Competition Day (12 noon PST/3 pm EST)

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Teams may refer to links listed below for tools and ideas for creating infographics.

Title: "10 Steps to Creating the Perfect Infographic" 

Title: "10 Free Tools for Creating Infographics" 

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Competition Information
About Cybersecurity
Learn more about the industry and why cybersecurity is important in the modern business landscape.
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Cybersecurity Degrees
Develop the business knowledge and IT skills required to succeed in the cybersecurity industry.
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