Magan Calhoun, DBA, CPA

Magan Calhoun, DBA, CPA
Magan Calhoun began her time as an Instructor of Accounting at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) in August 2018. In this capacity, Magan teaches courses in Financial and Managerial Accounting, Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting and Introduction to Business.
Before coming to UCCS, Magan served as an Instructor of Accounting since August of 2012, teaching appointments include Austin Peay State University and Western Governors University. Magan has experience teaching in a variety of formats which include traditional, hybrid, remote synchronous and online. Courses previously taught include Principles of Accounting 1 and 2, Accounting Information Systems, Advanced Computer Applications for Accounting, Technology for Business, Ethics and Diversity in Business and Introduction to Business.
Before beginning her teaching career Magan pursued a career in corporate and business tax at public accounting firms. Magan earned her CPA licensure in December 2013 and maintains an active license in the state of Tennessee. Magan holds a BBA in Accounting, Master of Accountancy from Belmont University and will officially receive her DBA with a research emphasis in Behavioral Accounting in May 2021 from Creighton University. Magan’s dissertation topic was in the area of behavioral accounting and was titled “The Unintended Consequences of FWAs: Peer Resentment, FSOP and Turnover Intentions – A moderated mediation study.”