Portfolio Assessment Process
How do I earn credits through a portfolio assessment for my work experience?
The first step is to complete the Portfolio Application Form to ensure your experience is eligible. Once eligibility is determined, you’ll meet with the UCCS COB Associate Dean who will provide you with resources so you can learn how to compile the required portfolio, which consists of:
- A narrative essay describing your previous experience in the context of your academic and professional goals
- A learning assessment for each prior learning area, including the course title as it will appear on the transcript
- The number of credits you are requesting for this experience
- A description of the setting of your prior experience, and your role and responsibilities
- Self-reflective writing on the skills and knowledge you acquired
- Appropriate documentation to substantiate and verify the experience for which credit is requested.
After reviewing the materials provided by the Associate Dean, you will understand the requirements of the portfolio and how to complete it. To submit a portfolio, students pay a minimal PLA portfolio assessment fee to cover the costs of the faculty review. Students can submit more than one portfolio if their experience allows. Students must pay a fee for each PLA Portfolio they wish to submit for review. Undergraduate students can earn up to 30% of their total credit via portfolio assessment. If students have additional experience, they can petition the Associate Dean for further consideration. For graduate students, no more than 30% of transfer and/or portfolio assessment credit can be earned toward your degree. If graduate students have additional experience, they can petition the Graduate School for further consideration.
Is my PLA Portfolio fee refunded if I am not awarded the credit?
Unfortunately, fees are not refunded if you are not successful in earning credit as this supports the faculty review of your work. Please note that if the faculty member does recommend revisions to receive credit, there is no additional fee associated for the student to complete these revisions.
How do I develop the portfolio assessment of prior learning work?
Please see the PLA Portfolio instructional guide for more details on how to develop your portfolio for review.
How does the review process work?
The Associate Dean will assign the PLA portfolio to a Team Lead or Course Coordinator who can identify a reviewer with expertise in the field for which credit is requested. In some cases, in addition to reviewing the portfolio, the evaluator may ask a student to demonstrate understanding of the portfolio contents in some other way via a meeting. The evaluator assesses the quality of the experience and recommends the course credit to be awarded. Credit for associated course will be entered on the transcript at the end of the semester during which the portfolio is assessed. The entry includes the title of associated course and the number of credits. No letter grades are awarded for prior learning experience, students will be assigned a “pass” on the transcript.
The following outcomes will define the PLA process:
- The PLA portfolio review will adhere to strict academic standards.
- The implementation of this process will be maintained fairly and equitably throughout UCCS COB for all programs and students.
- It is understood that, when possible, credits will be assigned to a core course within the degree. If not possible, it will be assigned to an elective course(s).
- Credits earned will be recognized equally to all other credits in a program.
- Grades will be pass/fail in the PLA process; letter grades for the credits are not assigned.
How do I get started?
If you are considering applying for credit for prior learning toward a bachelor’s or master’s degree, discuss the options with your advisor first. If your experience appears to qualify, you will complete this Application Form. The Associate Dean will review of your application to determine if you qualify for a PLA Portfolio Assessment. If you qualify you will meet with the Associate Dean to start the process.