Learning Outcomes


Learning Outcomes

Business, BS-Bachelor of Science & BI-Bachelor of Innovation

As future business leaders, our graduates will demonstrate:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and application of core business concepts
  2. Analyze information to make effective business recommendations
  3. Engage in productive discourse to generate socially responsible decisions
  4. Exhibit readiness to transition from college to career

Graduate School of Business Administration Learning Outcomes

Business, MBA-Master of Business Administration

Our graduates are prepared to be:

  1. Strategic leaders who meet the challenges of a global and dynamic business environment
  2. Ethical decision makers who positively impact organizations and society
  3. Skilled team players who communicate effectively
  4. Lifelong learners willing to pursue continuous growth
  5. Business professionals who apply state-of-the-art business knowledge and technology

Business, MSA-Master of Science in Accounting

Our students will:

  1. Apply professional knowledge in financial accounting, auditing and taxation
  2. Analyze and interpret accounting information
  3. Engage in ethical decision making
  4. Demonstrate professional communication

Executive Doctorate of Business Administration in Cybersecurity Management

The degree program is designed to equip students with the ability to:

  1. Develop skills for cybersecurity scholarship and research competency
  2. Analyze issues impacting cybersecurity
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of information security research
  4. Apply current research to address complex problems of cybersecurity practice