5:30: Doors open for networking and food
6:00: NI4SI Welcome, introductions, community ask
6:15 - 7:00: Pitches begin, 10 minute pitch with 10 minute Q&A (3 companies pitch).
7:00 - 7:30: Winners announced, networking
This unique competition, presented in collaboration by the National Institute for Social Impact and UCCS College of Business, asks students to pitch their best social impact business ideas to local leaders. Not only do participants get a chance to win up to $3,000 in cash prizes, but you'll also get the opportunity to practice your business innovation/presentation skills and add a great extracurricular to your resume.
What is a social impact business? Social impact businesses have a clearly stated higher purpose and culture, exist to solve a social issue, and/or consider commercial and social goals to be equally critical in business. Real-world examples of social impact businesses include: TOMS, Grove Collaborative and GoodRx.
Pitch submissions are open now! Five pitches will be selected prior to the event, then will compete for the top three placings on Monday, November 7th, 2022 at UCCS Downtown (102 S. Tejon St., Ste. 105-A) from 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM.
Pitch Night is open to all students at UCCS - regardless of major or degree year. Students can participate individually or teams with a max of 5 members. On Pitch Night, five individuals/teams will compete amongst each other to see who takes home the $3,000 cash prize!
Cash prizes:
5:30: Doors open for networking and food
6:00: NI4SI Welcome, introductions, community ask
6:15 - 7:00: Pitches begin, 10 minute pitch with 10 minute Q&A (3 companies pitch).
7:00 - 7:30: Winners announced, networking
What could make your business fail? Be honest, this reassures the audience you have thought about this and are actively working towards preventing this.