Spring Break 2023 - Munich, Germany

Spend Your Spring Break Abroad!

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For questions, contact: Dr. Carol Finnegan at cfinnega@uccs.edu


What are the details?

Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Visit German companies
  • Experience German cultural tours
  • Enjoy a free day to explore Munich on their own
Who can go?

Graduate and Undergraduate students are welcome to attend!

  • Undergraduate students must be a sophomore standing or above to register
  • Partial scholarships for the first 12 credit-seeking students
  • Conditionally approved under some veteran education benefit programs
How to Apply
  • Register for the winterm course and/or program
  • Must be available to meet 3 times leading up to the trip

*Credit and non-credit options are available. If limited space, preference is given to credit-seeking students.