2019 Lifetime Entrepreneurship Award & Next Generation Entrepreneurship Award

2019 Honorees - Jim Berger & Hannah Parsons

2019 Lifetime Entrepreneurship Award & Next Generation Entrepreneurship Award

On Friday, May 31, the Colorado Ballroom of the Cheyenne Mountain Resort was packed as more than 400 community and business leaders, a group that includes many UCCS alumni, gathered to honor the career accomplishments of real estate developer Jim Berger with the Lifetime Entrepreneurship Award. The 11th annual awards luncheon included several emotional moments that brought the assembled crowd to its feet. The city’s core neighborhoods and commercial zones are evidence of Jim’s vision of a vibrant community and his perseverance to stay the course over a career that spanned many challenging periods in the city’s history. One of the companies that Jim helped found, Col-Terra Investments, celebrates 50 years in business in 2019. Jim’s role in helping acquire land to expand UCCS has been pivotal in its growth and is only one of the many reasons the university’s Berger Hall is named in his honor. Chancellor Emerita Pam Shockley-Zalabak spoke in the video about a certain Thanksgiving dinner that was interrupted numerous times by real estate negotiations. The positive outcome was thanks to the perseverance that has made Jim such a transformative businessman in the city.

In addition to celebrating Jim Berger, this year’s event introduced a new award, the Next Generation Entrepreneur Award, honoring the CEO of Exponential Impact (XI) technology accelerator, Hannah Parsons. Hannah is widely admired for her previous roles as co-founder of Epicentral Co-Working, and as chief economic development officer for the Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC.

The honorees’ inspirational stories were shared during the program with moving videos featuring many of the city’s leading business and civic figures testifying to the enormous influence of both leaders.

One of the real estate acquisitions Jim helped negotiate is now the Cybersecurity building on N. Nevada Ave., a focus of one of the many new and exciting initiatives across the university. Reddy noted the synergy between the honorees embodied in that location: the building that Jim helped the university purchase is also the home of XI, the enterprise Hannah leads.

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Video About Jim Berger

Jim Berger receives the Lifetime Entrepreneurship Award

Video About Hannah Parsons

Hannah Parsons receives the Next Generation Entrepreneur Award