BUAD 3200: Refine Your ROAR


Solidify a Career Pathway

In phase 1, students identify multiple career pathways that may align with their skills and interests. In phase 2, focus is shifted on identifying a career path that best aligns and for which continued work can be geared.

Complete a Viable Career Plan

In phase 1, students completed a career plan to help them understand possible options and what steps to take to reach their goal. In phase 2, additional focus will be put on refining their career plan for their selected interest, and focusing on building out their resume, adapt networking skills, and focus on tools that are more directly focused on their intended outcome.

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  1. Internships
  2. Co-Ops
  3. Service Learning
  4. Full-time or part-time work experience
  5. Interview Preparation
  6. Individual Meetings with Trained Career Coaches

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