Student Engagement Funds
Funds will be awarded for the following types of projects:
Student participation in case competitions relating to ethics.
Workshops for students & business community.
Student participation in conferences that include the business community and focus on ethics.
Student participation in conducting training or workshops for the business community.
Act with honesty in all situations
Build trust in all stakeholder relationships
Accept responsibility for all decisions
Maintain open and truthful communications
Engage in fair competition and create equitable and just relationships
Honor the rights, freedoms, views, and property of others
Rule of Law
Comply with the spirit and intent of laws and regulations
Create long-term value for all relevant stakeholders
Funding Limitations - The Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative at UCCS funding limitations are:
- Speaker fees are limited on a yearly basis.
- No funding will be approved for sustainability, social responsibility, corporate social responsibility or social justice activities.
- No funding will be approved for student directed investment funds.
Reporting of Results
After funding is provided and the project completed, a report must be submitted to the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative at UCCS office. The report should include a summary of accomplishments, a brief accounting of how the funds were actually spent, and how the project contributed to student's understanding of ethical considerations in business. Reports will be posted on a public website.
Intellectual Property Rights - Requirement to Report and Share Results
If your grant involves creation of materials, it is understood that you shall retain the copyright to the materials. Additionally, any award of grant funds requires you to report and share results of your efforts. As such, after funding is provided and the project completed, you must submit a report to the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative at UCCS office. The report should include a summary of accomplishments, a brief accounting of how grant funds were actually spent, and copies of all materials generated, such as a syllabus for the new/revised course and any other materials comprising any part of the project. You understand and agree that the materials will be shared and you authorize the University to share the materials as required and intended by the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative, to include but not be limited to UCCS faculty and consortium members.
Intellectual Property Rights - Requirement to Report and Share Results
If your grant involves creation of materials, it is understood that you shall retain the copyright to the materials. Additionally, any award of grant funds requires you to report and share results of your efforts. As such, after funding is provided and the project completed, you must submit a report to the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative at UCCS office. The report should include a summary of accomplishments, a brief accounting of how grant funds were actually spent, and copies of all materials generated, such as a syllabus for the new/revised course and any other materials comprising any part of the project. You understand and agree that the materials will be shared and you authorize the University to share the materials as required and intended by the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative, to include but not be limited to UCCS faculty and consortium members.
More Info
Fund Grant Application
Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative at the UCCS College of Business and Administration Fund Application