Academics & Admission
Admission Requirements
Candidates must first be admitted to the UCCS College of Business and then be considered by the Sport Management Program.
Freshmen admission requirements:
- 3.0 unweighted GPA & top 50% of high school class
- SAT: a combined score of 1150+, with a minimum Reading and Writing score of 500+ and Math score of 570+
- ACT: a composite score of 21+, with a minimum English score of 19+ and Math score of 22+
- ** Temporary Adjustment for 2022-23 applicants: 3.25 unweighted GPA & top 50% of high school class – no ACT/SAT required. Do not submit ACT/SAT scores if you do not meet criteria above or if you have not taken an ACT/SAT. **
Transfer admission requirements:
- Minimum of a 3.0 GPA (15+ credits)
- 'C' or better in College Algebra & English Composition equivalent
Admissions Process
- Complete the UCCS application and submit all required documents and fees
- During this application process, you will be prompted to select a major - choose Sport Management
- Consideration for admission into the Sport Management Program will be based upon admission to the College of Business
Sport Management Emphasis Courses
View the entire Sport Management curriculum (PDF)
SPTM 1000 - Introduction to Sport Management: A survey of the history of modern sport; examination of the foundation, operations, philosophy, and trends of contemporary sport management. Presentation of skills and techniques to prepare students to administer programs in diverse sport settings; issues and complex problems that confront sport leaders are emphasized.
SPTM 2000 - Principles of Sport Law: Investigation and analysis of the law and legal issues in sport settings. Topics include negligence theory, risk management, common defenses, product liability, insurance, contracts, and implications for event development and operations.
SPTM 2350 - Sport Science for Sport Administrators: Integration of exercise training and testing into business practices of sports organizations. Interdisciplinary lecture/lab format introduces and emphasizes roles and impact of human anatomy, exercise physiology, bio-mechanics, growth and development, nutrition, training principles, and drug testing in the development and management of sport.
SPTM 2960 - Pre-internship and Professional Development: After gaining practical knowledge and hands-on experience through required field experience hours, students will prepare for their internships through several professional development assignments. Students will develop and enhance their cover letter, and their resume writing skills, complete mock interviews and plan out their remaining course schedule with timing of internship placements in mind.
SPTM 4300 - Sport Facility and Event Management: The course provides an overview of planning, development, and operation of sport facilities and sport events. The course includes methods for measuring facility and event performance.
MKTG 4510 - Sport Marketing: This course focuses on the two primary components of sports marketing: (i) the marketing of sport and (ii) the use of sport as a marketing tool for other products and services (i.e. sponsorship). The marketing of sport component gives attention to the various techniques and strategies used to market sport products, services, events and experiences. The first part of the class will work toward the preparation of a sport marketing strategy. The marketing through sport section will examine the core concepts, objectives and components of partnership marketing (and sports sponsorship as a central part of this) and will ultimately work toward to presentation of a sport sponsorship proposal.
SPTM 3960 - Internship in Sport Management: The first of two, semester long, pre-professional work experiences are invaluable for students to continue their professional development. Internships allow students to apply classroom theory to the sports workplace, gain additional higher order practical experience, and begin professional networking and collegiality. Students must work a minimum of 150 hours and must have a 3.0 GPA or higher to enroll.
SPTM 4200 - Researching Critical Issues in Sport Management: The goal of this class is for students better understand the research process and to apply this to a specific critical issue in the sport management field. The class provides students with tools and insights to help guide personal inquiry and the research process. Students will work in pairs to design, plan, implement and present a bespoke research project focusing on a critical issue in sport management.
SPTM 4250 - International and Olympic Sport Development: This course examines the evolution of modern sport including the development and growth of the Olympic system. It explores the values associated with the system, the range of ethical challenges that confront the system, the conditions that give rise to such problems, and the prospects for the reform of future governance arrangements for international and Olympic sport.
SPTM 4450 - Collegiate Athletic Administration: This course focuses on issues of special importance to collegiate athletic administrators including topics such as governance, compliance, budgeting, program policies, recruiting, public relations, fundraising and effective leadership.
SPTM 4960 - Internship in Sport Management: The final of two, semester long, pre-professional work experiences are invaluable for students to continue their professional development. Internships allow students to apply classroom theory to the sports workplace, gain additional higher order practical experience, and begin professional networking and collegiality. Students must work a minimum of 200 hours and must have a 3.0 GPA or higher to enroll.