Brian Smith BS '18, Study Abroad
"I met some wonderful people in Norway that I truly believe I will do business with sometime in the future."
Brian recently graduated with a degree in Business Administration. With a dream to study abroad, Brian utilized the international programs in the College of Business and took off on a once in a lifetime experience studying business in Norway.
Why did you choose UCCS?
Honestly, it was my second choice, but I chose UCCS because it was affordable, close to my family who lives in Golden, and of course it is in beautiful Colorado (the best state there is). Also, the strong reputation that our College of Business has was important.
Why did you choose to study Business Administration?
I chose to major in business administration because I plan on starting my own business one day and it allowed me to pick and choose which classes I felt would be valuable to my career. My minor is in economics which is beneficial to me when making financial decisions in my business. Having the ability to analyze an economy and its underlying markets will help my future product/service reach my customers in the most effective way.
What influenced your decision to study abroad?
I’ve always known I wanted to study abroad since I started college but It never seemed attainable. Finally, during my junior year, I knew I needed to make a change in my life. I wanted to grow as a man while also developing my business professional persona. To be frank, I was dissatisfied with my surroundings as well as the state of our country and needed a breath of fresh air… 4600 miles away. I craved change with a different scenery and Norway was the perfect fit. I had been working a job that required me to wake up at 2:30 in the morning each day and work till I needed to go to class. Having this substantial plan to study abroad motivated me because I finally had something tangible in the near future that I could work relentlessly towards.
What was your favorite part about your experience at BI Norwegian Business School?
My favorite part of studying abroad was the people I met. I have never been surrounding by so many people with so many diverse backgrounds. It was so fascinating to learn about different cultures. It really opens your eyes to how large our world is and how many humans there are. I met some wonderful people in Norway that I truly believe I will do business with sometime in the future. Being in another country can be frightening at some points but establishing strong friendships can help alleviate the anxiety.
What is your favorite part about studying in the College of Business?
My favorite part would have to be the faculty. Throughout my college career, I have met some amazing professors who have greatly benefited my education. They truly care about the development and success of their students and I am eternally grateful to them. It is quite motivating when you see the amount of passion some of these professors have for their respective subjects. The College of Business advisors have also been a major key to my success, especially these last two years. I do not think the process of studying abroad would have gone as smooth as it did without them.
What are your career aspirations?
I plan on starting my own business one day based on a life-altering idea that will change peoples lives. I believe I was born to lead. I plan on revolutionizing the way business is conducted. I am tired of hearing about corruption and poor business etiquette. I aim to change the role businesses play in our everyday lives. I will work endlessly to make my business successful while serving any potential stakeholders to the best of my ability.
How is UCCS helping to make those aspirations a reality?
UCCS has provided me with key resources in narrowing my goals for my career. The classes I have taken have pointed out which leadership qualities I possess as well as the ones I need to work on if I want to be a successful leader. They have also shown me certain business strategies that can be harmful or beneficial depending on the situation. The connections I have made at UCCS has allowed me to see the importance of networking because you never know when an opportunity might come knocking at the door. I would not be surprised if I partner with someone down the line who has also gone to UCCS.
What do you love about Colorado Springs?
The mountains. I took for granted how beautiful our mountains in the Springs are and now after visiting many different countries’ landscapes, I appreciate Colorado’s scenery even more. This city also has a thriving small business community which is neat to see how engaged they are with its surrounding residents.
What would you tell someone who is considering UCCS for college?
I would tell this person to get involved as much as possible. Humans crave interaction, no matter how introverted you are. If you don’t see any clubs or events that interest you, then be innovative and create your own! I would also strongly encourage studying abroad. Its hard to put into words the positive changes that I have uncovered about myself upon my return to the States.
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