Harjap Toor IBS, International Business

Harjap Toor '19, International business

"I wanted to study in another country for my major. I figured it would benefit me when it comes to having some experience studying abroad and living in another country. I wanted to also study abroad before I graduated."

Harjap came to UCCS because of the Business and Music programs that were offered. He concluded that he wanted to mix the two and major in International Business with a minor in Music Composition. With an aspiration to learn more about other’s cultures and making a connection with different kinds of people, Harjap was able to go abroad and study at Stockholm University in Sweden and hopes to work for organizations such as the Olympic Committee or the UN.

  • Why did you choose UCCS? 

    I chose UCCS because of the Business and Music Programs they had here.

  • Why did you choose to study International Business?

    I am an International Business Major with a minor in Music Composition. I chose to study International Business because I love to learn about other cultures around the world. I want to not only travel around the globe but also to make connections with other people from around the country.

  • What influenced your decision to study abroad?

    I wanted to study in another country for my major. I figured it would benefit me when it comes to having some experience studying abroad and living in another country. I wanted to also study abroad before I graduated. I didn't want to regret not ever doing it and plus it was a great way to gain perspective of other countries around the world. I decided to study in the summer.

  • What was your favorite part about your experience at Stockholm University?

    I loved the city. It was a great experience to study in another country and get perspectives from other students on the program and where they were from.

  • What is your favorite part about studying in the College of Business?

    I want to either work in the entertainment industry or work with international organizations like the Olympic Committee or the UN. I would also like to use both the knowledge I have for music and international business in some way.

  • What are your career aspirations?

    I want to either work in the entertainment industry or work with international organizations like the Olympic Committee or the UN. I would also like to use both the knowledge I have for music and international business in some way.

  • How is UCCS helping to make those aspirations a reality?

    The Business program and my International Business major along with my minor in Music Composition.

  • What do you love about Colorado Springs?

    I love the nature and beautiful vistas that surround Colorado Springs.
    Like Pikes Peak's view from the city and Garden of the God's park as well.

  • What would you tell someone who is considering the College of Business study abroad program?

    To have patience when first arriving there. It gets a bit overwhelming a first but eventually, you get used to it. Also, have some idea of the culture and language to some degree. Simple things like saying hello or even asking them if they speak English in their language is more than enough to start out with. Act like a local there and understand your surroundings by learning the ins and outs of the city you are going to. This includes how public transportation works, where the healthcare facilities are and etc. Also, keep your eyes and ears open at all times and never let your guard down. Use these tips and you will have a smooth journey.