Handicap Verification Form
Handicap Verification Form
Applicants are admitted to the PGA Golf Management Program only if they are also admitted to the University, so first complete your admissions application for UCCS and afterwords submit your handicap verification form. A handicap of 12 or less is required (prospective PGA Golf Management students with a current handicap greater than 12 are encouraged to contact program Director, Mark Bacheldor, for information on admissibility).
The UCCS application can be accessed online by clicking here. The handicap verification form is below.
Applicants are required to include verification of their playing ability by providing either a) GHIN Handicap Card # or b) filling out and submitting a PGA Golf Management Handicap Verification form, which will need to be signed by a coach or Class A PGA Member.
Thank you very much for your interest in our program. Please contact us if you have any questions during the application process.