Mentor Information

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A Mentor is a professional alumni or business community member who volunteers their time and expertise to help a current student develop their career. As a Mentor, you will meet with your student mentee four times for one-hours meetings over the course of a semester. Students and Mentors are paired together based on industry of interest, and during your meetings, you will discuss with your student how to enter into the professional world, network, interview, craft a stand-out résumé, and what to expect in the "real world" of your particular industry. You will be given a mentor guidebook to help you along the way. 

Mentorship Application

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Mentor Background Check Release Form

Complete the Mentor Background Check Release Form as part of the mentorship application.

Volunteer Agreement and Waiver

Complete the Volunteer Agreement and Waiver Form as part of the mentorship application.

What does the program entail?

The R.O.A.R. Mentorship Program is the third course in our R.O.A.R. Program, it is also known as BUAD 3300.  This program is a one-credit course that is required for graduation from the College of Business.  In addition to meetings with your student mentee there will be coursework for the student to complete during the semester to help them transition from college to their professional career.

Below find more information about the R.O.A.R. Mentorship Program and how it fits into the R.O.A.R. Program overall.

R.O.A.R. Mentorship Program Information

Am I qualified?

In order to apply for this program, you need to either be an alumni of the UCCS College of Business or a professional community member who is comfortable in a mentorship role. We are happy to have Mentors that live locally or that live outside of the community but can meet virtually. In order to apply, please have your résumé and information pertaining to your skills and competencies available, as this information will be requested on your application and will be used to pair you with a student.

A mentor guidebook will be given to you to assist with mentoring your students; however, we encourage Mentors to impart their own experiences in developing a meaningful relationship and deepening the mentorship process.

Please note that though most Mentors will be accepted into the program, you may not have a student mentee every semester based on the industry interests of students in the program.  If you would prefer to mentor on a specific schedule (ie. only in the fall, every other year, etc.) please let us know.

How can I support the program financially?

All gifts to support the R.O.A.R. Mentorship Program are greatly appreciated.  To contribute, please send your gift to the CU Foundation via an online transaction or mailed check. Be sure to designate your gift to the "UCCS COB Alumni Program Fund." Donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your generosity!


Experienced Mentors

L. Scott Pann

L. Scott Pann

Pann/DeYoung Wealth Management Group

It has been my privilege to be a volunteer career mentor with the College of Business since the inception of the program in 2009.  I also volunteer my time as a mentor in two other capacities outside of UCCS.  Being a mentor has helped me to give back to my profession, to the community, and to the university.  It is deeply satisfying to me knowing I have been able to benefit the lives of young adults and help them to move forward personally and professionally.  In addition, serving as a career mentor has helped me to expand my professional network, grow personally, and establish lifelong relationships with the young adults that I have mentored.

If you have any questions or concerns about being a mentor or would like to discuss best practices for being a mentor, I would be happy to speak with you personally.  Please contact Katie Burns for my contact information.

Toni Milo Vaughn

Toni Milo Vaughn

Career Magic Creator

I feel so privileged to have been a contributor to this career mentoring program with the UCCS College of Business since 2016. I started a business dedicated to guiding young people based on my own rocky experience navigating young adulthood; it was important to me to be a resource for young people and give them the support I desperately needed at such a foundational time. It is incredibly rewarding to add value to the lives of these students, help them strengthen their skills and confidence as well as partner with them as they launch their successful careers! Additionally, being a mentor has helped me be a better coach, stronger professional in our amazing community, and build meaningful lasting relationships.


For more information on the program, please contact Katie Burns of the College of Business at 719-255-5174 or