MSA 12-Month Program Option

MSA 12-Month Program Option

We offer an accelerated 12-month MSA Fast Track program. This program is designed exclusively for high-achieving UCCS undergraduate accounting students. Students from other universities may apply, although pre-requisite requirements may extend the length of their program beyond 12 months.

UCCS seniors who have satisfied the undergraduate residence requirements and who need no more than 6 semester hours to meet their requirements for an undergraduate degree may be admitted to the MSA program. They must meet regular admissions criteria and submit a completed application by the published deadline. Undergraduate senior admits must complete their final undergraduate courses.

A sample 12-month schedule for students starting in the fall semester is shown below:


Course NumberCourse TitleCredit Hours
ACCT 6010Financial Accounting Theory3
ACCT 6620Advanced Auditing 3
BUS 6xxx  Elective3
BUS 6xxxElective3



Course NumberCourse TitleCredit Hours
ACCT 6750Advanced Financial Accounting3
ACCT 6510Accounting Ethics & Institutions 3
ACCT 6720Corporate and Partnership Taxation3
BUS 6xxxElective3



Course NumberCourse TitleCredit Hours
BUS 6xxxBusiness Elective3
ACCT ElecElective or Graduate Internship Option3